Transforming Young Lives!
Welcome to Urban Scouts!
We passionately believe children have the right to be safe wherever they are. At Urban Scouts, we teach children how to recognise danger, how to avoid it, and what to do if they can't avoid it.
Tuesdays at 5.15pm
Lordshill Community Centre
Give us a call, text or email to book your FREE first lesson.
The urban environment has many dangers. Most children spend 99% of their lives in a town or city, so they need to know the dangers. Bullying and violence are commonplace, along with many other potential dangers.
Our weekly Urban Scouts classes are unique, combining self-defence with a high level of safety training in a wide variety of subjects. There are also numerous fun drills that children really enjoy. Quite simply, we teach children skills to avoid all common dangers and stay safe.
The Urban Scouts syllabus is comprehensive and totally unique. Teaching many life skills, including:
Brain training exercises
Memory techniques
Efficient decision making
How to prioritise
Communication skills
Simple first aid
How to never get lost
...and so much more!
We prepare children to cope with all kinds of emergency or dangerous situations, covering a very wide range of topics and possible scenarios (see the list below). Danger can appear suddenly at any time, so we teach children to a high standard, giving them the best possible chance of getting away unharmed. Generally, children (and most adults!) react very poorly in an emergency unless they have the correct training. We aim to give children all the skills they need.
Please note, we are not affiliated with “the Scouts”.
We place great emphasis on clear thinking and calm logical decision making to solve problems and avoid danger. Avoidance is always the best option so we teach how to do this effectively. It is actually possible to avoid 90% of dangerous situations with the right training. Tactical thinking leads to seeing danger early, giving time to get away safely.
Some situations simply can’t be avoided, no matter how much someone tries. Then we move on to “plan B” so to speak. This involves other approaches on how to minimise danger, or to de-escalate any aggressive encounters. There are a number of ways to do this and we teach a range of unique, tried and tested methods to calm things down.
Only when every possible effort has been used to get away or resolve a situation peacefully can our martial art/self-defence techniques be employed. If a situation turns into physical violence then we utilise the most effective techniques available. These are kept simple and have the benefit of being far easier to learn and use than most traditional martial arts. They are therefore more effective for real self-defence.
Thirty six years of training, experience and research has lead to the creation of our Urban Scouts classes, which are undoubtedly the best safety and self-defence training available for children today. The skills we teach have saved many lives, so are truly “tried and tested”. Our approach goes way beyond anything found in traditional martial arts classes.
Classes are also interactive and great fun! Where possible, we incorporate principles of accelerated learning for even quicker results. Children learn so much which can help then in every area of their lives. This leads to a unique kind of confidence, enabling children to reach their highest potential.
We teach and strongly encourage a respectful attitude. Politeness, courtesy and respect towards others, as well as disciplined behaviour at all times are fundamental to the Urban Scouts syllabus.
Children train in an environment that is designed to bring out and develop good character traits. We want children to be the best they can be. With the correct training, children quickly develop in their abilities and self-belief. They are taught the importance of team work and helping the weaker members to succeed. Over time, the children flourish and grow in confidence, becoming a positive influence on their peers.
Bullying is a major problem and can have profound effects on children's lives. Almost half of all children are bullied at some point. Up to 10% of those either consider, or attempt suicide as a result. Schools and teachers don't always understand the problem and are often powerless in dealing with it.
The good news is that there are many effective strategies to minimise or overcome this problem. We believe our Anti-Bullying System is the most comprehensive and effective approach available today. We use a multi-faceted approach covering all aspects of bullying. It is not just a matter of self-defence, as this should be the absolute last resort.
Our system is also unique in teaching children to be “bully-proof", so to speak, to prevent the problem from ever starting. This training can have a hugely beneficial effect on a child's self-confidence.
Communication Skills
Although safety and martial art/self-defence is the most important part of our classes, we also teach a wide range of interesting and fun skills which children really enjoy.
Creating coded messages
How to pass messages to each other
Hand signals
Using nature to navigate
Tying knots
Judging distance
Basic Morse code
How to revise for exams effectively
How to control emotions and fear
Identifying personal strengths
Positive mind-set
Improving observation skills
Quiet movement
Blending in and urban camouflage
Body language
Communication skills
Phonetic alphabet
Using invisible ink
Team work
Finding shelter
Memory training
Problem solving
Prioritising problems
How to escape from duct tape
And dozens of other fun skills!
Urban Scouts offers a free service to schools, where an instructor can visit and teach an interactive workshop to your pupils.
The topics we offer include anti-abduction and anti-bullying.
Our instructors are fully qualified, insured and DBS cleared.